Sunday, April 30, 2006


Things have been improving overall i.e. in all aspects of my life.

Health is stable and somewhat improving. Weight is again under cobtrol and reducing slowly as expected. Depression and activity levels are also quite imroved. Except for an occasional blip of anxiety or panic most of the times things are looking under control.

I am enjoying my ipod music collection. My song colelction is increasing and I am able to enjoy music to its full extent, well almost. I am also enjoying some of the excellent podcasts like twit, npr ones and a few others.. I am also able to rip some good audio books and enjoy them on my ipod.

I am also being more organized thanks to one website and now I am able to focus more time on important stuff.

Also overall our home is becoming more and more like a home. I was just jokingly telling my wife that now our house is fucntional earlier it was more semi-dysfucntional.

I went to the indian dvd store today after a month's gap and picked up some audio cd's and dvd of 'being cyrus'. I was surprised to note that Himesh Reshaammia has suddenly produced a bunch of hit music-tracks and he is all over the place. I had almost written because of his weird comments and obsession with Vinit but he seems to have produced some really catchy and peppy tunes. Good for him.

We have also started using more and more productivity tools to make ourselvs power-users.
I am really enjoying being mopre and more of a pro computer user. Some of the useful apps i use are Firefox & its great extensions, PhotoShop, RoboForm. etc..

With ipod now most of my music is in digital form except for few audio-casettes which IU am planning to transfer to cd soon. My next focus is in digitizing my old photo prints and also make dvd collections of my mini-dv movies.

Other big thing is that we have finalized to go back to india next year. Befor going back to india we want to go and visit some remaining us sights(LA,NY,Hawaii, Yellowstone etc)...I am improving in my trips planning and exceution. Our last trip to reno/tahoe with my in-laws was a great success.

More next sunday.

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