Monday, August 29, 2005

I am out of this shit

Wednesday is my last day at this shitty client. I am feeling free and relieved. It was extremely hectic and stress project work for me at this client location. Client was very demanding and wanted to squeeze the blood out of me.

Fortunately I got this new job offer and now I am out of this shit.  Its good that I got that this job in right time otherwise these guys were almost considering me as a Cheap Indian Labour who will never leave since I am locked for my green card. But since green card is not necessarily a must for as I might go back India. Also my new company is agreeing to sponsor my green card after few months.

Actually coming to think of it I would have let my job long time back. Only reason I did not venture out and search for jobs was because of my long Fatigue problem which had reduced my productivity and efficiency significantly and hence I was not getting very aggressive about my career and for a high paying job.

But now it looks like I have regained my life ( thanks to the medicine Zoloft ) and I am feeling very active and also I have landed with a great job which pays me a lot better. So I am really very very excited and feeling very happy.

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