Friday, November 19, 2004

Friday Diary

So the news is out and its not necessarily a good news. However there should be still enough time to see.

I have some more responses for tennis partners. So I will be able to play tennis quite regularly.

Instead of low-carb and high protein diet what is working better for me 5 to 6 mini meals and health carb/fat and modest amount of proteins and avoidance of simple carbs , bad fats , big sized meals , high carbs food etc. I have also stopped taking metformin and started more walking. Hopefully now I should be able to control my fatigue and achieve weight loss only with the help of diet and exercise. Weight Loss progress has slowed down. Right now it is hovering around 179 pounds which means I have lost only about 2-3 pounds in last one month. So I am now targetting weight of 175 by End-Dec and 170 lbs by Mid-Feb. Lets see how the progress goes.

Sent my visa renewal forms to our admin office. Somehow I fell overwhlemed by these visa or other govt. activities which require collection of all sort of documents which involves going thru so many different deptts.

Have got a reading desk and now I am using our walk-in closet as study room as we have kept both the bookshelf and the reading desk in this walk-in closet.

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